Impact Analysis

Assess the Total Impact of Changes

Change Impact Analysis provides a structured approach for looking at a proposed change. This process helps identify the impacts or consequences of the change. This makes it an important tool for evaluating the magnitude of work involved in a project and whether there are sufficient resources to see it through. It also helps identify and manage critical issues that may arise during the course of the project.

Impact Analysis is crucial to successfully manage changes and implementations to complex applications. Failure to accurately predict the impact of changes may invite unforeseen consequences and can derail an IT project leaving you and your team high and dry as the deadline looms.

The Key to Complete and Easy Impact Analysis

The Software Intelligence® technology in SMART TS XL provides rapid impact analysis by means of an extensive cross-reference utility, showing users a color-coded graphic of how and where programs interact. You can identify the areas that could require additional attention and testing with the capability to map dependencies between related modules. Responsive and user-friendly, this impact analysis tool greatly reduces the time required to understand and evaluate IT projects.

  • Build color-coded cross-reference diagrams
  • Click and follow hyperlinks that connect elements
  • View specific lines where references occur
  • Identify which elements are connected and where
  • Create reports that can be saved, exported and printed
impact analysis diagram

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