
Static Code Analysis
No more hunting through various source code repositories or checking folders on shared drives for project pieces. Quickly understand and analyze legacy code, making it much easier for new IT teams to take over legacy application maintenance and modernization projects.

Code Understanding

No more hunting through various source code repositories or checking folders on shared drives for project pieces. Quickly understand and analyze legacy code, making it much easier for new IT teams to take over legacy application maintenance and modernization projects.
Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing the consequences of performing a change in an application on a computer platform or system. Consequences of changes made to an application may affect elements in multiple languages and platforms, requiring accurate cross-platform analysis.
Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing the consequences of performing a change in an application on a computer platform or system. Consequences of changes made to an application may affect elements in multiple languages and platforms, requiring accurate cross-platform analysis.
Legacy Modernization
There are different ways to modernize your legacy applications – lift-and-shift, incremental replacement, complete rewrite, etc. – but each approach demands that you know each program inside and out and how it interacts with other information systems.

Legacy Modernization

There are different ways to modernize your legacy applications – lift-and-shift, incremental replacement, complete rewrite, etc. – but each approach demands that you know each program inside and out and how it interacts with other information systems.

IT teams and responsibilities are more interconnected than ever. Whether an application is in development or in production, the end goal is to provide a superior application experience to internal and external customers.
Enterprise Search
True enterprise search must allow users to instantly pinpoint information with the help of advanced search capability. This means making content from all databases, platforms and other document repositories accessible for any enterprise team or stakeholder that needs it.

Enterprise Search

True enterprise search must allow users to instantly pinpoint information with the help of advanced search capability. This means making content from all databases, platforms and other document repositories accessible for any enterprise team or stakeholder that needs it.
JCL Expansion

Expanding your JCL gives you a run-time display without z/OS runtime comments, duplication and overlays. This ability, when combined with impact analysis features, gives you a comprehensive view of how your JCLs interact with other mainframe elements.
JCL Expansion

Expanding your JCL gives you a run-time display without z/OS runtime comments, duplication and overlays. This ability, when combined with impact analysis features, gives you a comprehensive view of how your JCLs interact with other mainframe elements.