static source code analysis

What Is Static Analysis? Static Code Analysis Overview

IN-COMCode Analysis, Code Review

The purpose of this blog post is to delve into the nuts and bolts of static code analysis.

Quality of code and ability to improve code quality in development significantly influences the overall performance, maintainability, and reliability of a product. High-quality code ensures fewer bugs, better scalability, easier maintenance, and faster development. Static code analyzers are a significant benefit.

Static code analysis tools help in enforcing coding guidelines, programming languages review and standards across the development team, ensuring a consistent and coherent codebase. They assist in identifying and rectifying issues that might be overlooked during manual code reviews, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of the software.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or new to the world of software engineering, understanding static analysis is integral to crafting code that is functional, robust and secure. Security teams depend on it.

What Is Static Analysis?

Static analysis, also known as static code analysis, is a debugging method that examines code for security, performance, and design flaws without executing it. This process helps understand the code structure and ensures adherence to industry standards. It is utilized by software development and quality assurance teams, with automated tools assisting programmers in scanning all project code for vulnerabilities and validating the code. Static analysis effectively identifies programming errors, coding standard violations, undefined values, syntax errors, and security vulnerabilities. It also addresses weaknesses that could lead to buffer overflows, a common software vulnerability.

Software engineers must validate their applications to ensure they meet performance, quality, and security benchmarks. Testing late in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) often leads to errors in production. Implementing automated tests early in the SDLC helps developers enhance code quality, security, and performance during development. This practice results in faster deployment of higher-quality code and reduces the need for extensive troubleshooting.

SMART TS XL is a dynamic Static code analysis tool.  It conducts in-depth scrutiny of codebases without executing the software. It employs sophisticated algorithms to analyze code syntax, structure, and semantics, identifying potential bugs, and coding inefficiencies.

Static Analysis Techniques

Static analysis involves various techniques to examine static source code for potential vulnerabilities. These techniques often stem from compiler technologies.

Data Flow Analysis collects run-time information about data in software while it is static. Key terms include:

  • Basic block: A sequence of instructions with a single entry and exit point.
  • Control Flow Analysis: Examines the flow of data.
  • Control Flow Path: The data’s path.

Example of a basic block in PHP:

Control Flow Graph (CFG) represents software using nodes (basic blocks) and directed edges (paths). An entry block has only an exit edge, and an exit block has only an entry edge.

Example of Control Flow Graph

Node 1 is the entry block with only an exit edge.

Node 6 is the exit block with only an entry edge.

Node 2 represents the switch statement directing to Node 3, Node 4, or Node 5.

Node 3, Node 4, and Node 5 each lead to Node 6.

Taint Analysis identifies variables tainted with user input and traces them to vulnerable functions (sinks). If unsanitized tainted variables reach a sink, they are flagged as vulnerabilities.

Lexical Analysis converts source code into tokens, abstracting the code for easier manipulation.

Example of pre-tokenized PHP source code:

Example of post-tokenized PHP source code:

What is Dynamic Analysis and How Does Static Analysis Compare?

Dynamic Analysis:

Dynamic analysis involves evaluating a program by executing it. This type of analysis checks the runtime behavior, including memory usage, performance, and potential runtime errors. It is useful for identifying issues that only appear when the code is running, such as memory leaks, concurrency issues, and incorrect program outputs.

Static Analysis:

Static analysis, on the other hand, examines the code without executing it. This method focuses on detecting syntax errors, code standards violations, and potential security vulnerabilities by analyzing the code’s structure, control flow, and data usage.


Execution: Dynamic analysis requires code execution; static analysis does not.

Issue Detection: Dynamic analysis finds runtime issues; static analysis detects issues in code structure and logic.

Timing: Dynamic analysis is performed during or after development; static analysis is typically done during development.

Coverage: Static analysis can cover all code paths; dynamic analysis covers only the executed paths.

Using both methods together provides a comprehensive approach to identifying and resolving software issues, improving overall code quality and security.

Limitations of Static Analysis

Developers often spend much time addressing bad code and technical debt. Static analysis is a valuable tool in reducing this time by identifying issues early in the development process.

Updating Workflows:

Incorporating static analysis early, such as in the IDE and initial pull requests, is cost-effective and time-saving compared to addressing issues later in the SDLC or production. For large organizations, this requires coordinating across teams to ensure consistent application of static analysis from the outset.

Compatibility Issues:

When adopting new static analysis tools, it’s essential for these tools to integrate seamlessly with existing workflows. Developers should access results and feedback within their current work environments, including IDEs, Git hooks, and code review platforms, to minimize disruptions and context switching.

Avoiding Slowdowns:

Static analyzers, when misconfigured, can create unnecessary roadblocks by detecting a wide array of issues. Integrating these tools into the CI/CD pipeline and configuring them to block only critical pull requests when necessary can prevent slowdowns. This means only blocking pull requests when the static analyzer finds severe errors, such as critical security vulnerabilities, rather than every minor issue.

Understanding How Static Code Analysis Works

Static analysis is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, providing an in-depth examination of source code without its execution to identify risks in the software system. The process begins with code scanning, wherein specialized tools like linters, analyzers, and compilers meticulously review codebases for potential errors, bugs, or non-compliance with coding standards. These tools, often integrated into the development environment, employ rulesets and algorithms to assess code quality and adherence to best practices.

One notable tool, SMART TS XL, stands out for its comprehensive analysis capabilities. To improve code quality, it employs a combination of linters, analyzers, and compilers to scrutinize TypeScript code. SMART TS XL flags coding issues, potential bugs, and vulnerabilities, ensuring code reliability and maintainability. It not only identifies problems but also generates comprehensive reports detailing the issues found, facilitating efficient debugging and resolution.

Automated static analysis offers several advantages. Firstly, it significantly accelerates the detection of issues, enhancing development efficiency by catching errors early in the development process. Moreover, it ensures consistency in code quality assessments across a project, mitigating human error inherent in manual code reviews. This consistency contributes to higher software reliability and robustness, reducing the likelihood of post-deployment issues.

Static code analysis is performed at various stages within the software development life cycle. It ideally begins during the coding phase, as developers write or modify code. Integrating it into version control systems ensures continuous analysis during code commits. Additionally, it can be part of the build process, preventing the integration of faulty code into the software system. Regular analysis, even after deployment, aids in maintaining code quality and identifying issues in evolving software systems.

In conclusion, static analysis is a crucial component of the software development process. Leveraging tools like linters, analyzers, and compilers, such as SMART TS XL, automates code scrutiny, offering speed, consistency, and enhanced code quality throughout the development life cycle.

What Are the Benefits of Static Analysis Tools?

Static analysis in software development offers several tangible benefits that significantly impact the overall quality, security, and cost-effectiveness of a project.

Promoting Best Practices: Static analysis tools flag deprecated code and code smells, encouraging developers to adhere to best practices. This guidance helps improve the overall quality and maintainability of the code.

Mitigating Security Issues: Static analysis tools detect security vulnerabilities early in the development process, such as weak encryption algorithms or insecure coding practices. This early detection helps improve the overall security posture of applications and prevents security incidents from occurring after deployment.

Improving Code Quality: By monitoring and tracking static analysis results over time, organizations can measure the quality of their codebase against objective metrics. This ongoing analysis highlights areas for improvement, helps junior developers learn better coding practices, and reinforces good habits among all team members.

Enforcing Coding Guidelines: These tools help organizations enforce coding guidelines consistently across all projects. They can prevent the use of specific non-inclusive words, ensure consistent naming conventions, and check for code complexity, all of which contribute to maintaining a high-quality codebase

Methods of Static Analysis

There are several methods of static analysis that organizations can utilize to ensure code quality and security. Each method focuses on different aspects of the code and can be used in combination to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Control Analysis:

Focuses on the control flow within a calling structure, such as processes, functions, methods, or subroutines.

Data Analysis:

Ensures defined data is used correctly and that data objects operate properly.

Fault/Failure Analysis:

Analyzes faults and failures in model components.

Interface Analysis:

Verifies simulations to ensure code compatibility and that interfaces fit into the model and simulation.

Broad Categories of Static Analysis:

Formal Analysis: Checks if the code is correct.

Cosmetic Analysis: Ensures code adheres to style standards.

Design Properties: Examines the complexity of the code.

Error Checking: Looks for code violations.

Predictive Analysis: Assesses how the code will behave when executed.

Limitations of Static Analysis

Static analysis tools are invaluable for identifying potential vulnerabilities in code, but they come with several significant limitations and challenges. Understanding these limitations is crucial for effectively integrating static analysis into the development process.

Detection Challenges:

  • Difficult to identify complex vulnerabilities (e.g., authentication flaws, access control issues, cryptographic misuse).
  • Current tools find only a small percentage of security flaws automatically.

False Positives:

  • Tools often flag non-vulnerable code as vulnerable.
  • Common in applications interacting with closed-source components or external systems due to incomplete data flow tracking.

False Negatives:

  • Tools may miss actual vulnerabilities, especially with new vulnerabilities in external components.
  • Lack of knowledge about the runtime environment’s secure configuration.

Compilation Issues:

Difficulty analyzing code that cannot be compiled due to missing libraries, incomplete instructions, or absent code.

Configuration Issues:

Frequently unable to detect configuration issues not represented in the code.

Understanding different Static code analysis tool capabilities

Static code analysis tools play a pivotal role in enhancing quality in early stages by scrutinizing source code without execution. A static analysis tool examines programming languages like Java, C/C++, Python, and more, for vulnerabilities, bugs, and adherence to coding standards. this ensures improved software quality.

Each static code analyzer offers unique capabilities, such as pattern matching, data flow analysis, or flow analysis. Pattern matching identifies specific code structures while data flow analysis tracks variables’ values through the code, uncovering potential issues like uninitialized variables or resource leaks. Flow analysis pinpoints flaws related to program flow and logic.

Tool supports aid developers in identifying security loopholes, unit testing, potential bugs, and violations of coding best practices. It allows developers to fix vulnerabilities.

By providing early detection of issues, they assist in preemptively addressing vulnerabilities, reducing debugging time, and enhancing overall code reliability. However, it’s crucial to understand the limitations of these tools, as they might generate false positives or miss complex runtime-related problems, necessitating human intervention for comprehensive code evaluation and security assurance.

Programming language support

Programming language support refers to the capabilities of a language to facilitate specific functionalities or paradigms. It encompasses libraries, frameworks, and tools aiding developers in creating, managing, and optimizing code for a particular language.

Approaches to static code analysis vary based on language syntax, semantics, and structures. Tools for Java, like FindBugs or Checkstyle, focus on object-oriented principles, while Python tools like Pylint or Flake8 emphasize readability and functional programming. JavaScript’s ESLint or JSHint emphasize browser compatibility and asynchronous coding practices. These tools detect errors, style violations, and improve quality of code during development.

Analysis techniques

Static analysis tools utilize various analysis techniques to examine code without executing it. Two fundamental techniques employed are lexical analysis and flow analysis.

Lexical analysis involves tokenization, breaking code into smaller units (tokens) such as keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals. This technique aids in syntax checking and identifying errors like misspellings or incorrect language usage.

Control flow analysis focuses on understanding the flow of program execution. It assesses how data and control structures interact, identifying potential issues like dead code, infinite loops, or unreachable segments.

These techniques contribute significantly to issue detection by enabling a comprehensive examination of code structures. Lexical analysis pinpoints syntactical errors, ensuring code adheres to language rules. Control flow analysis identifies logical errors and inefficiencies that may impact program behavior or performance. By scrutinizing code without execution, these techniques preemptively catch potential bugs, security vulnerabilities, and optimization opportunities, enhancing code reliability, security, and efficiency.

Rules and coding standards

Rules and coding standards play a pivotal role in static analysis by ensuring quality and consistency. They offer guidelines for developers to detect potential bugs, maintainability issues, and enhance readability. Predefined rules serve as a foundation, allowing developers to tailor them, aligning with project specifics for optimized performance and streamlined development.


Static analysis tools provide extensive customizability options. Developers can adjust settings to target specific coding standards, ignore certain rules, or focus on particular areas of concern.

Tailoring these tools involves configuring thresholds, rule severity, and even integrating custom rules, aligning the analysis with the project’s unique demands for enhanced efficiency and accuracy.

Integration and automation

Integrating static code analysis bolsters quality by identifying bugs, vulnerabilities, and coding inconsistencies early in development. Automating this process within continuous integration pipelines ensures consistent checks during code commits or merges. Tools like ESLint, SonarQube, or CodeClimate can be configured as plugins in CI tools (e.g., Jenkins, Travis CI) to run pre-commit or pre-merge, ensuring code meets predefined standards before deployment.

User interface and reporting

Static analysis tools typically offer a graphical user interface (GUI) displaying code metrics, analysis results, and issue details in a structured manner. They present comprehensive reports highlighting detected vulnerabilities, coding errors, and adherence to standards.

These interfaces aid developers in pinpointing issues efficiently, providing detailed insights for prompt resolution through code navigation and contextual information.

Performance and scalability

Performance and scalability are critical when using static analysis tools in large projects. To enhance efficiency, limit the scope of analysis to essential directories or files. Utilize caching mechanisms to reduce reanalysis overhead. Employ distributed analysis for parallel processing, optimize hardware resources, and consider tool-specific configurations for better performance.

Static Analysis Tools and Frameworks

Static analysis tools are instrumental in development for detecting code issues and improving quality. SMART TS XL focuses on TypeScript, offering comprehensive analysis for type safety, code styling, and potential bugs. SonarQube is versatile, supporting multiple languages, providing extensive code coverage, and offering a dashboard for managing technical debt and quality of code.

ESLint is tailored for JavaScript, aiding in identifying syntax errors, enforcing standards, and facilitating code consistency. Pylint is specific to Python, examining code for bugs, enforcing coding conventions, and ensuring adherence to PEP 8 guidelines.

Choosing the right tool depends on language compatibility, project complexity, and specific requirements. Evaluate the tool’s language support, ease of integration, available rulesets, and community support. Consider your project’s size, team expertise, and development goals.

Setting up a tool involves installing the necessary packages, configuring rulesets, and integrating it into the development workflow. Define clear standards, customize rules to fit project needs, and regularly update the tool to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

To configure effectively, collaborate with the team to ensure everyone understands the tool’s purpose and rules. Utilize continuous integration tools to automate analysis during builds and establish regular code reviews to address flagged issues promptly. Regularly fine-tune configurations based on feedback and evolving project requirements.

When Should Engineers and Organizations Use Static Analysis?

Developers often use IDE settings to enforce coding standards, focusing mainly on code formatting. However, this method doesn’t address security or best practices, and differing IDE configurations can hinder organization-wide standardization. Static analysis mitigates these limitations by providing a comprehensive review of code for both performance issues and security vulnerabilities. It scans the entire codebase, ensuring adherence to coding guidelines and identifying potential risks, making it a more robust solution for maintaining high-quality, secure software.

Shift Left in SDLC: Integrating static analysis with IDEs, Git hooks, and CI/CD pipelines helps block problematic code early. This ensures that security and quality standards are enforced before the code reaches production, preventing costly fixes down the line.

Early Issue Detection: Static analysis identifies potential problems without executing the program, requiring minimal configuration. It allows issues to be caught early in the development process, saving significant time and effort later on.

Detecting Various Problems: Static analysis tools can detect a wide range of issues, including code style and naming convention violations, security vulnerabilities, and error-prone code. This broad coverage ensures that many different types of potential problems are addressed.

Supporting Multiple Languages: Static analysis tools are available for all major programming languages as well as infrastructure-as-code (IaC) languages like Terraform and Puppet. This support enables SREs to detect misconfigurations and security vulnerabilities before deployment, encouraging developers to be mindful of their infrastructure configurations.Implementing DevSecOps: By scanning code early in the development lifecycle, static analysis helps enforce security rules and prevent insecure code from reaching production. This proactive approach helps teams identify and fix issues such as SQL injection vulnerabilities, insecure library dependencies, and hard-coded secrets before they become problematic.

How to choose static analysis tools

Static analysis is a vital tool in development, offering early bug detection, improved quality, and enhanced security. By examining code without execution, it detects errors, can identify security risks, potential vulnerabilities, and coding inefficiencies. Adopting static analysis streamlines development, boosts reliability, and minimizes debugging efforts, ensuring robust and secure software products.

How IN-COM Can Help

Quality of code is paramount in development, impacting efficiency and reliability. Static analysis tools play a crucial role to improve code quality and identify security vulnerabilities, ensuring quality by detecting issues early in the development cycle. SMART TS XL stands out with development teams by offering a static code analysis tool that is advanced and easy to learn.

Static analysis capabilities, identifying complex code problems, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues are just a few capabilities. Its robust features enable developers to enhance code, adhering to industry standards and best practices.

SMART TS XL’s comprehensive static code analysis tool aids in maintaining clean, maintainable, and optimized codebases, fostering better software quality, reducing debugging time, and ultimately delivering more reliable and efficient applications, thereby significantly contributing to the success of development teams.